Sunday, December 30, 2007


Sang hamba tidak harus memandang kepada amalan dan ibadat yang dilakukannya itu, dan mestilah dia memandang dan menghargai Allah, yang kepadaNya disembahkan ibadat itu...

Would I be guided?
Would I be strong?
Would I be protected from evil and wrong?
Would I hear my CREATOR's Words?
Would I hear HIM describe the birds?
Would I know the stories of the old?
Would I realise their worth in gold?


Would I find safety when others fear?
Would I find peace whilst sitting here?
Would I be happy when others are sad?
Would I be protected from going mad?
Would I be patient when thing get tough?
Would I be firm when the seas are rough?


Would I get to know the ONE above?
Would I increase for HIM my love?
Would I be aware of the DAY to come?
Would I value what is worthless to some?
Would I be able to sleep at night?
Would I be able to see with HIS light?


Would I have examples to follow?
Would I rejoice when others are in sorrow?
Would I have fear of the Burning Fire?
Would I be at the bottom of the sea, and have hope, that one day, my LORD will release me?
Acapkali nampaknya Dr Asri ulang-ulangkan ayat: ‘Saya tidak antihiburan’. Saya faham kenapa ia disebut acapkali begitu. Seringkali mereka yang dilabelkan sebagai ‘orang agama’ apabila menegur artis, selebriti, hiburan dan media khususnya tentang hiburan, maka segera sahaja dicap sebagai anti-hiburan, sedangkan mereka yang menegur itu sebenarnya memberikan pandangan yang berdasarkan petunjuk agama dan inginkan kebaikan kepada semua agar selamat dunia Akhirat.

Isu yang dibangkitkan pun bukanlah isu baru. Ia dibincang dan disebut sudah begitu lama. Ada yang sudah berbuih mulut menegur tapi tidak diambil endah oleh artis, selebriti, pengamal media dan pengamal seni. Ia biasanya berlalu begitu sahaja tanpa tindakan yang bersungguh dari semua pihak. Ternyata nyanyian, hiburan dan pesta-pestaan menjadi agenda penting dalam kehidupan seharian masyarakat. Apatah lagi kalau jelas nyanyian, hiburan dan pesta itu bercanggah dengan prinsip Islam dari aspek halal haramnya. Namun seolah-olah semuanya itu tidak dipedulikan. Tidak ada tanggungjawab sebagai umat Islam. Tidak ada rasa bersalah terhadap Allah. Tidak ada prihatin pada agama. Tidak ada perasaan terhadap baik buruk anjuran agama. Kehidupan seharian seakan kosong tanpa nyanyian, hiburan dan pesta. Dari asasnya, aktiviti tersebut tidak bercanggah dengan Islam. Nyanyian dibenarkan, tapi bagaimana? Hiburan ada dalam Islam tapi bagaimana? Pesta boleh diterima tetapi pengisiannya macamana? Apa yang berlaku dalam kehidupan seharian kini, aktiviti-aktiviti tersebut dibuat dengan tidak pernah mempedulikan syariat. Batas pergaulan, cara berpakaian, aurat, melalaikan-semuanya tidak dijaga. Adakah hidup hanya untuk berhibur, menyanyi dan berpesta? Kalau demikianlah sifatnya, maka kita termasuk di dalam maksud firman Allah:“…Orang-orang yang kafir (engkar) menikmati kesenangan di dunia serta mereka makan minum sebagaimana binatang-binatang ternak makan minum..’ Muhammad:12

Atau lupakah kita kepada tanggungjawab sebagai khalifah Allah di atas mukabumi ini? Allah berfirman, maksudnya: ‘Sesungguhnya Aku jadikan di bumi itu khalifah’ al-Baqarah:30Al-Mawardi menyebut berkenaan khilafah: ‘Menegakkan din (Islam) dan mengurus dunia dengan Islam’. Justru, keberadaan kita di atas mukabumi sebenarnya menanggung bebanan tanggungjawab besar bagi memakmurkan bumi ini dengan segala kehendak Allah melalui peraturan-peraturan yang telah ditetapkan olehNya. Turunnya al-Quran, diutusNya Nabi adalah dengan tujuan bagi memanifestasikan kehidupan sebagai khalifah Allah di atas mukabumi itu. Atau kita mencari ketenangan jiwa dengan nyanyian, hiburan dan pesta itu? Kalaulah demikian, maka kita sebenarnya silap. Tidak ada ketenangan jiwa dalam aktiviti yang bercanggah dengan syariat. Yang ada hanya keserabutan fikiran dan memberontaknya jiwa, kerana makanan yang diberi sebenarnya sudah silap. Kita memberikan racun kepada jiwa, bukannya baja. Kita merosakkannya, bukan menyuburkannya.

Kesan dari rosaknya jiwa itulah yang terpancar dalam masyarakat- rumahtangga keberantakan, gejala sosial berleluasa, keruntuhan akhlak menggila. Kalau mahu mencari ketenangan jiwa, ia ada dalam maksud firman Allah: ‘Ketahuilah, dengan mengingati Allah itu jiwa akan tenang.’ Al-Ra’d:28

Ramai manakah di antara kita yang solat? Berapa ramai yang mendekati al-Quran? Siapa yang hati atau mulutnya sentiasa dengan zikrullah? Atau lebih selesa dengan lagu dan lagu sahaja?

Mereka yang jiwanya tenang dengan mengingati Allah tidak perlukan pub, disko, konsert Jom heboh, Akademi Fantasia, GangsStarz, Malaysian Idol, program hiburan melalui tv, radio, majalah dan segala jenama hiburan yang begitu sarat dalam kehidupan kini yang bercanggah dengan syariat.
LELAKI ZAMAN INI...(sumber: umar mujahid)

Lelaki diakhir zaman ini
Payah untuk kutemui
Yang benar-benar sibuk
dengan urusan baiki diri
Yang ada kini hanya
Sibuk dengan urusan mengumpul dunia
Walau diketahui dunia ini hanya penuh tipu daya

Lelaki diakhir zaman ini
Susah untuk kutemui
Yang benar-benar takut pada Ilahi
Sentiasa mendambakan kasih Ilahi
Yang ada hanya mengharapkan kasih insani
Yang melalaikan orang dan diri sendiri

Lelaki diakhir zaman ini
Sukar untuk kutemui
Ahli profesional yang bertaqwa
Yang benar-benar meletakkan Islam dijiwa
Menggunakan profesionnya sebagai matlamat keakhirat sana
Yang ada hanya ahli profesional yang lalai dan leka
Yang hidupnya lebih berat dari barat
Ibadah dan amal terasa amat berat

Lelaki diakhir zaman ini
Payah untuk kutemui
Yang sentiasa bergelumang dengan majlis ilmu yang bermanfaat
Yang sanggup bersusah dan penat
Dalam mengejar dan memahami ilmu yang berkat
Yang ada kini hanyalah berbangga dengan ijazah yang ada
Tapi ilmu fardhu ainnya kosong belaka

Lelaki diakhir zaman ini
Susah untuk kutemui
Yang suka berbincang tentang ilmu akhirat
Syahid yang sentiasa menjadi matlamat
Mensyiarkan Islam dan menjunjung syariat
Yang ada cuma menghidupkan sunnah barat
Dan melupakan kehidupan akhirat

Lelaki diakhir zaman ini
Sukar untuk kutemui
Yang sentiasa bermunajat dan berzikir
Sentiasa bertafakkur dan berfikir
Sunnah Rasulullah cuba dipahat dan diukir

Namun kutetap berfikir..
pasti masih ada lagi
Lelaki diakhir zaman ini
Seperti yang kufikir..
~..Ukhwah yang dibina antara kita, Biarlah seperti seutas tasbih, Ada awal, Tiada penghujungnya, Dicipta untuk mengingatiNYA, Dibahagi untuk cintaNYA, Diratib demi redhaNYA..~

Friday, December 28, 2007

Benazir Bhutto's death

Benazir Bhutto was shot at the chest and neck. Later, a bomb blew up and killed another 20 people around her car after she finished her rally in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, yesterday. Some of you might not know who this Benazir is but she was a former Prime Minister for Pakistan (1988-1990 and 1993-1996). She was the first female Prime Minister of Pakistan and of any Muslim countries.

During serving her term as the PM, she was alleged for bribery and stealing the governments money. But some of the political viewers believed that her husband, Asif Zardari, was the one who's responsible for the charges. Apparently, both she and her husband was not allowed to live in Pakistan. Her husband in the other hand was imprisoned until he was released in 2004 and joined Benazir with their children who at the time lives in Dubai.

In her political career, Benazir was a sworn enemy of Pervez Musharraf, never agreed to the good terms he applied with the white house. On the earlier days of Musharraf in his political career, he was ally with Washington in their campaign on the war against terrorist. After e fer years in the campaign however, Musharraf started to realize that this act has started to take its toll on his political career among the Pakistanis. So, he decided to back off from Washington. This is when the crisis started. After a long exile, Benazir started to become popular in the political back in Pakistan again. She and another opposition, Nawaz started to move in with Washington. Aggreing to be in good terms with Washiongton in their war against terrorist. Benazir even allowed the International Atomic Energy Agency to disgraced nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan to probe his role in nuclear proliferation, and allow American troops to enter the Pakistani hinderland to take out al-Qaeda.

But, then Benazir had diferent ways with Nawaz in order to take down Musharraf in their fight to restore democracy in Pakistan because we all know that Musharraf, as the president, was a definite dictator. Musharraf knew the stir going on between Nawaz and Benazir, so he offered Benazir to join alliance with him in order to keep himself still in the presidential seat. Benazir's supporters were horrified with the news that she is coming home to Pakistan despite the assassination threats she has been receiving. After she arrived, she was nearly killed in a bomb explotion on their way from the airport in Karachi. She told CNN that she would risk her life in order to bring democracy back to her country. A few days before Benazir's assassination, 4 of Nawaz's supporters were also killed in a rally for the upcoming election.

So, all incidents should have been led to Musharraf as the one who is responsible for Benazir's assassination. But if you think back, this would have just been a plot to take Musharraf down so that the people will hate him and the vote will go down. In my opinion, this case is still not clear enough. Maybe it could also be Nawaz, as he survived the attack while 4 of his people killed, and also the fact that Benazir was ready to go on agreement with Musharraf's side. But, we should never be judgemental in this case because the proof is still insufficient and the authorities are still running investigation on who is responsible in the assassination. There are also claims that the work was done by Al-Qaeda. The source of the claim was apparently an obscure Italian news agency, Adnkronos International (AKI) . One Islamist Web site repeated the claim, but that Web site is not considered a reliable source for Islamist messages by experts in the field. On all, Al-Qaeda cant also be blamed for this assassination.

I believe that this is all i can comment on for this time. But I'll make sure that the next time I receive new infos I will be writing posts back on the blog. Until next time, salam.

First post for World Today.

I'm sorry that the subject I chose may not be that interesting to some of you but I'm sure that the other half would be very keen to know about some of the world's recent news and progress be it in any subject (politics, education, environment, etc). So, from now on, I will be in charge for posting news and information on the blog about recent news from all four corners of the world. I am very happy to be able to deliver the latest news and hot topics to all of you and will be much happier if I can get feedbacks and suggestion about interesting global topics or news that some of you would want to share with others. For any feedbacks or suggestion from my post, please feel free to contact me through my e-mail, I cant wait to post the latest news to all of you and belive me, it will come very soon. ;) See all of you on my next post.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Football News...

as the title race goes on, here's a little bit info about football. almunia's save on robbie keane's penalty remain arsenal on the top of the table as they won 2-1 against spurs.liverpool ends up their defeats to manchester united and chelsea by winning 4-1 against portsmouth.liverpool took an early lead by a volley from yossi benayoun. liverpool is held by 2-1 lead until torres add up two goals and the final result is liverpool 4-1 portsmouth. without ferdinand, van der sar and hargreaves, manchester united took the lead from ronaldo shot after a great dummy made by him and tevez. then. tim cahill equalised by a header and held united 1-1 until the final minutes. ronaldo last minutes penalty secured three points for manchester united. with many injuries left, chelsea secured three points by cole's shot from a through ball into the top corner. injured keeper petr cech was replaced by hilario and he made a save in the game.

dida howler gave inter a winning goal and the last score is 2-1 against milan. real madrid won against barca in the el-clasico after a nice one-two of baptista and ruud van nistelrooy finished by a top corner shot from him. selangor remains on the top of the super league after beating pulau-pinang 2-1 after the final score by youngster safee sali.

on december 26, an unofficial imtiaz 327's selangor futsal team has gone to ampang's sports planet for a match against aiman's team. the players are afiq, aizat, bob, hakim, ikwan and the reserve is hafiz. the game started at 1.30 p.m. and we dominated the game until the scores reached 5 against 4. after a few minutes, a great teamwork from their team took the lead. the game finished with the final score we lost 9-12. everyone in our team are so exhausted and cannot play as they were in the school. maybe it's been a long time we didn't play football. afiq was very pancit and he said that he will be fit. he added that he will also practices jogging everyday. is it true ? :P

(sorry because i dont have enough info about malaysian football.)

Monday, December 24, 2007





1. Meninggalkan sembahyang

- Ular Saqar sedang menunggu

2. Melewat-lewatkan sembahyang

- Neraka WAIL sedang menganga

3. Meringan-ringankan syariat

- Mendapat pandangan murka Al-Jabbar

4. Mengumpat peribadi orang

- Gunting neraka sedang diasah

5. Menyebarkan gossip atau fitnah

- Duri- duri menanti anda di taman neraka

6. Tidak menjaga pergaulan

- Libasan api neraka dijanjikan

7. Tidak berakhlak dengan manusia

- Kemurkaan Allah bersama mu..

8. Menyakiti hati orang dengan lisan

- Masuklah mana-mana pintu neraka

9.Meringankan amanah

- Angkatlah seberkas kayu dari neraka

10.Bersangka buruk

- Amalan baik diambil orang
Wanita solehah itu aurat dijaga,
Pergaulan dipagari,
Sifat malu pengikat diri,
Seindah hiasan di dunia ini.

Keayuan wanita solehah itu,
tidak terletak pada kecantikan wajahnya,
Kemanisan wanita solehah,
tidak terletak pada kemanjaannya,
Daya penarik wanita solehah itu,
Bukan pada kemanisan bicaranya yang mengoncang iman para muslimin,
Dan bukan pula terletak pada kebijaksanaannya bermain lidah, memujuk rayu,

Bukan dan tidak sama sekali,
Kepetahan wanita solehah,
Bukan pada barang kemas atau perihal orang lain,
Tapi pada perjuangannya meningkatkan martabat agama.

Nafsu mengatakan wanita cantik dengan paras rupa yang indah bak permata yang menyeri alam,
Akal mengatakan wanita cantik atas kemajuan dan kekebalannya dalam ilmu serta pandai dari segala aspek,
Hati menyatakan kecantikan wanita hanya pada akhlaknya,
Itupun seandainya hati itu bersih untuk menilai.

Wahai wanita jangan dibangga dengan kecantikan luaran,
kerana satu hari nanti ianya akan lapuk di telan zaman,
Tetapi jaga dan peliharalah kecantikan dalaman,
Agar diri ini bersih dan sentiasa mendapat Rahmat ilahi,

Wahai wanita jangan berbangga dengan ilmu duniawi yang kau kuasai,
kerana ada lagi manusia yang lebih berpegetahuan darimu,
Wahai wanita jangan pula berdukacita atas kekurangan dirimu,
kerana ada lagi insan yang lebih malang darimu,
Wahai wanita solehah jangan dirisau akan jodohmu,
Kerana muslimin yang bijaksana itu tidak akan terpaut pada wanita hanya kerana kecantikannya,
Bersyukurlah diatas apa yang ada,
Serta berusaha demi keluarga, bangsa dan agama.

Salam perjuangan untuk sahabatku,
Wanita solehah.

"Wanita hiasan dunia, Seindah hiasan adalah wanita solehah

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Assalamualaikum semua...
ape khabar? sehat??

Setelah kami berbincang,kami telah sepakat untuk menjadikan blog ini lebih kurang seperti QH..Tetapi ape yang berbezanya ialah isi kandungannya..Dan blog ni akan di update seminggu skali..

Antara isi kandungan dalam blog ni seperti :

artikel2 ini akan di'publish' pada setiap hari ahad..jadi teruskan lah mengikuti blog ni..sebarang cadangan atau comment boleh la ditulis di ruangan comment..

Assalamualaikum dan selamat bercuti...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tazkirah for the day!

i know we need tazkirah everyday since we are away drom school which is the place where we all get our tazkirah! dont we? i think some of us wouldnt take the tazkirah as benefits to them but some had. for those who take those tazkirah as their guide in life, carry on because now, the briged bestari (taken from the briged bestari of our beloved school!) have tazkirah maybe daily from our most nobel imtiaz327 member the former BADAR's president Encik Ahmad Muhsin bin Abdul Majid also known as Che'Sin. no offence ok che'sin. here is his tazkirah for the day. we hope all of you will take at least one benefit from this tazkirah. "Rasulullah pernah bersabda sampaikanlah ayat aku walaupun ia hanya satu ayat!"


seperti yang kita tahu,ramai antara kita yang membuat permohonan untuk belajar di tempat yang mereka idam-idamkan,tetapi ada yang dapat dan ada yang tak..tapi janganlah kita berasa hampa kerana Allah telah befirman:

"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui." - Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 216

jadi kita hanya berusaha untuk mendapatkan sesuatu tetapi Allah yang menentukan segala-galanya....redhalah dengan segala ketentuannya...

Banjir oh Banjir....

Banjir oh Banjir.. haaaa,tau x kat mana pic tu diambil..
Temeloh bandar ikan patin.. sekarang di musim tenkujuh..kalau dekat pantai tu,ombak dah memang sah kuat..kalau dulu asyik dgr sg isap je banjir..sekarang ni johor dah naik air,temerloh,maran dan banyak lagi..ade yang kata sbb sg pahang dah cetek la,saluran tersumbat la n byk lagi..
baru2 ni ade persidangan kat Bali(indonesia)..bawah United Nation (aka PBB),keputusan dia banyak pulau2 kecil kat m'sia berisiko tinggi untuk ditenggelami air..sebab nya dalam masa 100 tahun ni,bumi dah byk terdedah dgn karbon dioksida hasil perindustrian..salah siapa??fikir2 kan lah...

lots n lots of scholarships!

Sunday, December 16, 2007


untuk pengetahuan sumer, column favouritas tu dah ditambah bebrape link baru mcm album imtiaz327, alumni page n blog2 batch2, korg tggu ape lg? jom rmi2 tekan kat link tu..n kepada sesape yang nak tmbh gmba lam album tu bleh lah anta kat emel
thank you very much! untuk tindakan dan makluman.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

gathering at pd

cmne gathering kat pd hrtu? ok? kalo ade pape nak sembang sal gathering hrtu moh lah kite gi kat forum alumni page skolah kite..bleh kite berforum kat sn ttg byk perkara..just click here.
and kepada sesape yang byk amik pic ms kat pd brharap sgt korg sume antar kan pic tu kat emel plss sgt..sbb kitorg kekrgn pic skrg..bleh x? tlg smpikan kat member2 len k..thanx!


sp nk scholarship mnrb? sile klik sini.

Monday, December 10, 2007


harap maklum kepada semua ahli imtiaz 327....
sahabat kita, Asma, baru sahaja kehilangan ayahandanya...
marilah kita bersama2 menyedekahkan Al-Fatihah...
agar roh ayahandanya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan bersama golongan orang2 beriman....

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Maklumat Terkini ttg PD

assalamualaikum wbt...
bwat pengetahuan ahli imtiaz sumer, malam kat PD nnt, ada BBQ....
x de DRESS CODE... mean bole pakai pape je ar... janji sopan k..
tu je stakat ni... hrp maklum...

Monday, December 3, 2007


perhatian kepada pelajar yang ingin bermalam di asrama pada 12 hb, MAKANAN TIDAK DISEDIAKAN!! sila beli makanan awal² ataupun lebih baik sila datang pada waktu malam.
harap maaf atas ralat yang telah dibuat pada post yang terdahulu. untuk makluman dan tindakan. sila pesan maklumat ini kepada rakan² kita semua yang ingin bermalam di asrama. sekian, terima kasih.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Pertukaran Tarikh!

Assalamualaikum wbt,
Di sini diumumkan perubahan tarikh reunion imtiaz327 ke pd. tarikh ditukar kepada 13-14 hb dec 2007. ahli imtiaz boleh berada di sekolah pada 12 hb lagi dan makanan akan disediakan oleh pihak pengurusan asrama. bagi sesiapa yang ingin menaiki bas dari plaza tol gombak perlulah berada di sana jam 11 pagi pada 13 hb tersebut. bagi sesiapa yang hendak menaiki bas dari plaza tol sg besi perlu berada di sana jam 1130 pagi. sila hantar emel bagi sesiapa yang ingin menunggu bas dari plaza tol gombak ataupun sg besi ke ataupun lebih senang sila undi menggunakan poll yang tersedia di laman ini. seorang dimestikan mengundi sekali sahaja untuk mendapat bilangan yang tepat. untuk makluman dan tindakan. sekian.

p/s: tolong sebarkan kepada pelajar² yang lain tentang hal ini. aktifkan diri anda dalam masa ini untuk sering melihat blog ini untuk mengetahui isu² semasa. sebarang pertanyaan boleh diajukan kepada bloggers: hariz, raja, fido ataupun kepada naib presiden kita saudari husna memandangkan presiden imtian327, en syakirin masih menduduki peperiksaan. harap maklum. terima kasih.

yang benar,
ajk blog imtiaz327

Interested in business?

Rich Dad, Poor Dad is Robert Kiyosaki's first best-selling book. It advocates financial independence through investing, real estate, owning businesses, and the use of finance protection tactics.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad is written in an entertaining anecdotal manner to make finances interesting. [
citation needed] The most central element stressed by Kiyosaki is the advocacy of owning the system or means of production, rather than being an employee of someone else.


The book takes the form of a story. It is largely based on Kiyosaki's own upbringing and education in
Hawaii, although the degree of fictionalization is disputed. Because of the heavy use of allegory, some readers believe that Kiyosaki created Rich Dad as an author surrogate (a literary device), discussed further in the criticism section below. Many readers believe that the "Rich Dad" in the book is actually the founder of Hawaii's widespread ABC Stores.
The Poor Dad in the story is based on Kiyosaki's real father, a
PhD holder and graduate of Stanford, Chicago, and Northwestern University, all on full scholarship, who was the head of the Education department of the state of Hawaii. In the book, he is greatly respected until he decides, late in his career, to take a stand on principle against the governor of Hawaii. This leads directly to Poor Dad losing his job, and his inability to find comparable work ever again. Because he has never learned to handle money, instead depending on the government (his employer) for support, he dies in severe debt.
In contrast to this character is Rich Dad, his best friend Michael's father. Rich Dad dropped out in 8th grade, but became a self-made multi-millionaire regardless. He teaches Kiyosaki and Michael a variety of financial lessons, and insists that the boys learn to make money work for them to avoid spending their whole lives working for money, like Rich Dad's employees, as well as Poor Dad, and indeed most of the people in the world.


Among some of the book's topics are:
the value of financial intelligence
that corporations spend first, then pay taxes, while individuals must pay taxes first
that corporations are artificial entities that anyone can use, but the poor usually don't know how
Kiyosaki says the rich think differently in how they define simple words like
assets and wealth, and how they fund their luxuries. He explains that he defines an asset as any item which produces income (such as rental property,stocks or bonds), and a liability as anything which produces expense (such as one's own home, new widescreen TV, exercise machine, new garden tractor, motorcycle, computers, processed foods, swing sets, barbecue grill, tools, letting your property rundown and a new car every two years).
No one disputes that the rich buy "income-producing assets". Kiyosaki argues that the poor buy worthless items that they think are assets, which clearly do not earn anything, and may have no market value.
According to Kiyosaki, wealth is measured as the number of days the income from your assets will sustain you, and financial independence is achieved when your monthly income from assets exceeds your monthly expenses. Each dad had a different way of teaching their sons.

Port Dickson!!!

Hotel Overview
This resort was opened in May 2001.Located at 21/2km from Port Dickson town Centre. Here you will find comfort and splendour of a cosy resort combined with the personalized charm that's so Malaysian in every way.Even though you might have a full program lying ahead for you, there is still time to relax and enjoy our L- shape pool, take a game of tennis or badminton or enjoy the watersports at the beach directly in front of the resort.

We have a total of 75 units of resort apartments.
One Bedroom Apartment 39 units.
Two Bedroom Apartments 30 units
Three Bedroom apartment units: 6 units
All the apartments are fully furnished with TV , Hot and Cold Shower and Cooking Facilities
Room Type:
Two Room (2) Bedroom Aparment : 1 Queen and 2 Single
One (1) Bedroom Apartment : Either 1 Double Bed Or 2 Single Bed
Three Room (3) Bedroom Apartment : 1 Queen Size Bed and 3 Single Beds

Air Conditioned
Hot Plate
24 Hours Security
Extra Room Service (Chargeable) Dining & Entertainment
BBQ Pit (Chargeable) Sports & Leisure
Tennis Court
Netball Court
Swimming Pool
Volleyball Court
Badminton Court
Children Playground

To get to the Sunshine Bay Resort Port Dickson, it only took over an hour's drive from Kuala Lumpur, one hour from downtown Malacca and three hours from Johor Bahru. The hotel is situated at less then 3km from Port Dickson Town Centre.

Qoutes of the day!

>"Physical exercise improves health, mental exercise improves wealth, laziness destroys both."
>"A true luxury is a reward for investing in and developing a real asset."
>"The only way to get out of the "Rat Race" is to prove your proficiency at both accounting and investing, arguably two of the most difficult subjects to master."
>"I have mentioned before that financial intelligence is a synergy of accounting, investing, marketing and law. Combine those four technical skills and making money with money is easier."
>“Most people are poor because when it comes to investing, the world is filled with Chicken Littles running around yelling, ‘The sky is falling. The sky is falling.’”
>“Many of today's youth have credit cards before they leave high school, yet they have never had a course in money or how to invest it, let alone understand how compound interest works on credit cards.”
>"The poor and middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them."